The news is making it rounds that sensuous Shilpa Shetty will be soon producing a movie along with her equally sexy sis Shamita Shetty. The movie is said to be an action flick and the producers were keen to cast Bipasha Basu. But the actress refused the offer, as she was busy with other work commitments. Sources said, “Shilpa and Shamita have two very different mindsets and they often have creative differences. Shilpa was quite excited about Bipasha in the action film but when she couldn't get her dates, she lost interest. However, Shamita was keen on keeping the project alive with another leading lady. The two had an argument over the same.”
Meanwhile the sisters are looking out for a script before they finalise their production plans. Shamita stated that currently they are open to make anything that’s interesting maybe a good comedy or a thriller.
Arre behenlog don’t fight over this yaar! We are sure something nice will turn up soon!
Meanwhile the sisters are looking out for a script before they finalise their production plans. Shamita stated that currently they are open to make anything that’s interesting maybe a good comedy or a thriller.
Arre behenlog don’t fight over this yaar! We are sure something nice will turn up soon!